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JOKWANG ILI will achieve sustainable governance that enhancing the value for our clients, investors, and customers by practicing ESG management with basics and principles.

ESG Vision

- Sustainable governance with basics and principles

ESG Objective
ESG Long-term Roadmap

- We indtroduce our long-term roadmap to achieve the goals of ESG ; Environmental (Creating environmental friendly workplace) , Social (Contributing to the social community and mutual growth) and Governance (Achieving ethical management governance)

JOKWANG ILI is committed to creating an environmental friendly workplace by adhering to environmental regulations and reducing pollutant emissions, in accordance with Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)

JOKWANG ILI strives for contributing social community and mutual growth thorugh human rights
and collaborative management with all stakeholders.

Furthermore, we practice continuous safety education and monitor risk factors for a safe workplace.

 Community service acitivies

We have plans to drive volunteer acitivites to contribute to the local community. With this year we carried out volunteer activities at a childcare facility in Yangsan.
In the future, we plan to engage in various volunteer activities such as plogging and donating toys to contribute to the development of the local community.

 Safety education and Training

We conduct regular safety training for employees to enhance safety awareness and minimize risks.
We continuously identify safety-related issues and monitor risk factors by inspecting production sites.

 Health management

We strive to create a safe production environment by identifying and improving exposure levels and occurrences of harmful factors that employees may encounter at production sites, aiming to prevent health hazards.

JOKWANG ILI will achieve social responsible management and aim sustainable growth as a competitive grobal company with customer-centric and transparent management.
