
This page offers an overview on IR of JOKWANG I.L.I.
Jokwang IR

Company snapshot Business management Corporate value
Corporate value, Investment point
'A leading company is not made in a single day.
It only comes about through hard work and know-how accumulated over several years.
We will do out best in conducting business management that values our shareholders.'

Technological capabilities

 - A venture company with the largest market share in Korea for safety
 - A holder of international patents on some of the world's best items used
 in power generators.
 - A company that has been awarded the grand prize for safety equipment.
 - First Korean company to develop a bellows type safety valve
 - First Korean company to be registered as a manufacturer
 of protective devices
 - An employer of some of the most highly skilled personnel
 - Entered in earnest the market for special high pressure valves
 - The only Korean company to hold the manufacturing technologies for
 missile spraying devices
 - Selected as a preferred supplier for the light water reactors in
 North Korea, a project carried out by KEPCO


 - The company holds Korean and international patents for its 'Lenient
 control valve' used in power generators.
 - With a range of products that boast outstanding precision,
 the company is likely to acquire an overwhelming share in the market for
  high pressure valves and offer reliable alternatives to imported products.
 - A cost-saving system based on a company-wide resource system
 - High competitiveness in price and function compared to leading
 companies abroad and in Korea
 - A prompt and thorough after-sales service system
 - The company owns a world-class high pressure testing facility.

Organizational capabilities

 - A nationwide sales network with branch offices, in addition to the sales
 team at headquarters and at the Seoul office
 - With a number of export partners overseas, the company is able to
 flexibly respond to changes in the market
 - Sharing of information through knowledge management

Sales capabilities

 - The company has earned the trust of major clients from home and
 - The company has a team of highly skilled sales forces.
 - The company is currently working on strategically entering the market
 for power generation facilities.
 - A differentiation strategy that allows for tailored responses for each client
 - The various certification and prizes awarded to the company are
 testament to the differentiated quality it offers.